The real first sign of spring…
Well the time has come. It has been a very long and cold winter so far. I was looking at Facebook the other day and saw a post by Sherrie. She was talking about the weather. More specifically The Weather Network and the 24 hour forecast that was calling for -41.
This temperature alone is enough to make me start thinking about a vacation with white sandy beaches but to add insult to injury, the bad news didn’t end there. Not only was it going to be -41 it would be -54 with the wind chill. Did I mention it has been a long cold winter?
So where does the good news come in you may be asking yourself. Well the good news is this weekend we experience daylight savings. What’s the old saying? Spring ahead and fall back.
All I know is I love this time of year. The evenings see more light. I will no longer need a flashlight to access the lock boxes to allow entry into listed properties. Buyers get the benefit of a daylight view of the back yard on an evening showing and conversely sellers get the opportunity to have buyers see all of the hard work they have done landscaping the backyard escape.
But really the most important part of daylight savings is the reminder that our firefighters send out. This time of year has been the perfect time for the firefighter campaign to remind us all weather we rent or own it is time to change the batteries in every smoke and carbon monoxide detector is your home. That means this week you need to make a point of going out and buying fresh batteries. Don’t procrastinate it is important.
Sunday March 9 at 2 a.m we move our clocks ahead 1 hour. Best way to make sure you have the correct time is to go around the house before you go to bed Saturday evening. Make sure you change the time on your oven and microwave and most importantly – the coffee pot. You want the coffee timer to actually have the coffee ready and hot for Monday morning.
So change your batteries in all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors around the house and move all clocks ahead 1 hour and you won’t have to worry about it again until November. And as you make these changes, remember that this is really the first sign of spring!