IT IS OFFICIAL – let the fundraising begin!
Sherrie and Tracey with have once again committed to fundraising for the Riseup House in Leduc as our official charity for 2014. Last year we had the pleasure of being part of the fantastic team with Amp’t slo-pitch, City of Leduc and Home Run Sports to raise a total of $10,000.
It was October 9, 2013 when we had the privilege of presenting a cheque to the Riseup House with the proceeds of our efforts on their behalf. WHAT AN AMAZING FEELING! We heard the excitement of the hard working ladies who have poured their hearts and souls into the house and hearing what the funds will allow them to do for the Leduc community. Hearing this made all time at the tournaments we worked, such as the Guinness World Record attempt, the Sno-Ball tourney, the Slush Ball just to name a few, along with all of the gift baskets truly worthwhile. Knowing what a difference our efforts will make was so rewarding.
Established in 2007 Riseup House Society is an equipping and healing women’s outreach centre responding to the reality of domestic violence and abuse. Riseup House provides group support, counselling and resources for women impacted by intimate partner abuse, and educates individuals and community groups about preventing and addressing abuse in Leduc Alberta. For more visit
Well we are ready to start the running tally again next weekend as we will once again be working a ball tournament. On February 15th and 16th in Leduc we will be working the Beer Garden for the SPN Valentines Sno-Pitch Tournament. There will be a total of 16 teams with the furthest coming all the way from Saskatchewan. This is the first tournament of many for the year that will include one on May long weekend where we are expecting 80+ teams, another on September long weekend with more than 100 teams expected, Fall Fever at the end of September with 64+ teams, Halloween Havoc at the end of October with 64+ teams and (weather permitting) there will be an “end of the line” tournament after that.
We are very proud to be part of the team raising money for the Riseup House in Leduc and invite you to come out and watch some good ball and of course stop by and say hi to Sherrie and Tracey and help us make a difference to a worthwhile cause in Leduc.
See you at the diamonds!!!